Effective Tips to Conceive a Boy


It would be impossible to choose the gender of your baby if you are planning to conceive. Before, these were the things that couples thought about having a baby and knowing their genders. However, thanks to research and technologicial advancements, couples now have the chance to choose what the gender of their baby could be. If you want to specifically conceive a baby boy, you can use some tips for it.

One tip that you should not forget if you want to conceive a baby boy is to take note of your ovulation period. This is a technique that is effective or women whose menstrual cycles are regular. You can get more information about your ovulation if you are not yet sure how to determine your schedule. The male sperms are highly mobile and are smaller in size, but they have a weaker coating on the outside. The cervical fluids can kill the male sperms even if they can move faster than the female ones, because of the vulnerability of their nature.

Experts actually advise couples to have sex during the ovulation day. A woman has less stronger fluids during the ovulation period and this allows for the male sperms to swim swiftly through. The chances of conceiving a baby boy is better when you have sexual intercourse from 24 hours before the ovulation and 12 hours after. Making sure to reach orgasm will actually help you conceive a boy because the fluid environment is alkaline, which is safer for male sperms.

You can also increase your chance of getting pregnant with a baby boy if you know the proper positing during sexual activity. To make sure the sperm ell are moved closer to the cervix for accessible entrance, one of the ways on how to have a baby boy is that there should be a deeper penetration during sexual intercourse. The positions that allow for the sperms to be closer to the uterus include standing position, woman on top and on all fours.

By fully taking care of your diet you can increase your chance of having a boy during pregnancy. This would actually mean that the woman should eat more like a man does. Consuming salty kinds of food, soda and even red meat will actually increase the body’s alkalinity and this is what the male sperms want.

Some women believe that taking cough syrup before sex is actually a good method. By taking the medication, you will have to chance to have thinner cervical mucus. Before going into the intercourse, men are advised to have a cup of coffee. It is believed that caffeine content in coffee can help the sperms swim faster. Detailed information is provided by a lot of websites. If you want to know more on how to have a boy, continue in the given link.

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